13 Jul 2018
"Negative Mirror is a series inspired by material, places and forms that surround us. The relation between space, memory and fragility of experience. It has been inspired by Italo Calvino "Invisible Cities" and ‘Poetics of space’ by Bachelard. The idea of impermanence of things is something that we find fascinating."
"We were also looking at the meaning and order of chakras, connecting ideology behind them to create scapes and forms that we thought felt right. The materials we used to create each setting, were objects that we found. Anything from concrete bricks to plastic cups. It was important for us to create forms by recycling various materials and giving them a new meaning."

- Photography by Kasia Wozniak
- Set design by Lisa Jahovic
- https://kasiaw.com/ - Kasia Wozniak is a photographer who works predominantly with the Wet Plate Collodion process. Born in Poland 1983, she currently lives and works in London.
- https://www.lisajahovic.com/work/ - Lisa Jahovic is an art director and set designer based in London.